Join Me for the R Baby Foundation Event

Not sure if you’ve noticed the badge I’ve posted over there –>

In case you’re wondering, tomorrow, I will be taking a break from the baby and kid product blogging (I’ll catch up one day…) and will be attending a luncheon to hear more about Phyllis Rabinowitz’s work and the R Baby Foundation, for which the badge is posted.  With R Baby Foundation’s mission in mind, tomorrow’s event is geared to help  grow the foundation’s support base to improve the quality of pediatric emergency care.

As parents, it’s up to us to be the littlest people’s advocates, and with foundations like R Baby, more funding and awareness of pediatric emergency care are brought to the forefront.

In addition to hearing about R Baby Foundations, there will be a candid round table conversation with inspiring Momprenuers, including a few ladies whom I’ve had the chance to work with in the past.

Because this event is all about spreading awareness about R Baby Foundation’s efforts, I’d love for you to join us too!  Don’t think you can’t participate in this inspiring event just because it takes place in NYC.  Thanks to technology and the innovation of webcasting, all of YOU can join us.

The webcast goes live tomorrow, March 5, at 12:30.  All you have to do is log on and register.

Registrants will have the chance to win goodies from brands that support R Baby as well.