Juicebox Software releases Animal Memory App

Juicebox Software has recently released the app, Animal Memory.  The app does what its name implies:  it’s a memory game involving animal images, as well as music and sound effects.  This colorful app is targeted to kids ages 2-5 and encourages memory and fine motor skill development.  Parents can choose three levels: Easy (4 cards), Medium (8 cards) or Hard (16 cards). The images are organized into three categories: Farm, Jungle, Ocean and Insect.


At only $1.99, Animal Memory sounds like an app to check out.  On our frequent roadtrips, we do all we can to keep the kid entertained for 6-7 hours at a time.  Our latest roadtrip, there was a lot of interactive play on the laptop and iPod, which included several educational apps featuring animals.  After all that repitition of the same apps and animal sounds, I’m looking forward to downloading this one to add more variety—and to keep us entertained (and sane) on roadtrips.