Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day, all. The sun is trying to peek out over here, but they’re calling for rain later in the day. But alas, if I finish my to do list, it’s my hope to get out and enjoy Earth Day with the little guy.

Next year Earth Day celebrates 40 years. What does that mean exactly? Well, for starters, I believe that environmentally speaking, we’ve become more aware. But with the effects of global warming obviously becoming more apparent, it’s clear there’s so much more to be done.

So, as many of us already follow suit, it’s so important to be more conscientious about the Earth year-round, not just on April 22. Not just for us, but especially for the kids, and their kids and their kids. We might not be able to undo the damage that generations before us have done, but we can certainly foster sustainable and healthier habits that will go a long way.

As we usually tell people, we’re not over the top eco-freaks. But, for our kid’s sake, we do what we can to make the right choice. We might not be able to afford all organic groceries, we might not have the capability to compost or cloth diaper full time, but we hope to make up for it in other ways. Perhaps one of our greenest choices to date was to ditch the SUV and buy a more fuel-efficient car. Not only is it cheaper for us gas-wise, but it’s a much better choice all around.

As our choices get greener and greener, I can absolutely see it rubbing off on the kid already. At the playground just last week, Jack found an empty plastic water bottle on the ground. He instinctively picked it up, mumbled his jibberish and grabbed my hand, as if leading me somewhere important. I asked him, “Does that go in the trash?” He mumbled back and led me to the trash and recycling containers at the other end of the park. He obviously doesn’t know which container was which, but the fact that he knew it didn’t belong on the ground and in a container somewhere made me pretty damn proud.

Here’s to everyone making greener choices everyday, not just on Earth Day!

originally posted at Babyrific
graphic via innoko