NYC Vlogging Challenge Week 2

It’s my turn to host the NYC Vlogging Challenge, and I came up with some prompts that will hopefully continue the conversation we started!

Last week, Divina started the conversation by sharing her prompts over on Now it’s my turn to continue the dialogue.

NYC Tri State Vlogging Challenge


So, please, join my co-hosts, one of my dearest blogging buds, Divina of and


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and the lovely Lisa of


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How can you join the conversation?

Each week, one of us will host the challenge and we ask you to join us on Youtube, Vine, Instagram or your blog with a response video. That’s it! 


My vlogging topics for this week are:

1. How do you stay organized?

2. What’s your creative outlet?

3. How do you involve your family in your vlog/blog/social channels?

4. What’s your favorite dessert?

5. What are you most looking forward to this Spring?


Film a vlog and link up with us!