Bubble Guppies, a colorful CGA preschool series that follows the adventures of an inquisitive school of fishtails, is set to debut on Nickelodeon. Created by the team who brought us the poignant show, Little Bill and the cheerful Backyardigans, Bubble Guppies, like most Nick Jr. shows geared to the preschool set, has an educational emphasis on kindergarten readiness specifically, math literacy, the arts, science and soci-emotional development.
The Bubble Guppies embrace kids’ curiosity and penchant for asking questions by following the Guppies’ everyday discoveries. Co-hosts of the show are Gil, described as an energetic and adventures boy, and Molly, who is described to be the bubbly one who is friends with everyone. Gil and Molly are joined by friends, Deema, Nonny, Oona, Goby, Mr. Grouper, Bubble Puppy and Little Fish.
In addition to teaching lessons from everyday discoveries, the Bubble Guppies’ adventures are complemented with a little song and dance.
Vibrant colors, cute characters and a relatable scope combine to make Bubble Guppies’ a fun addition to Nick Jr.’s preschool lineup, offering both musical and educational value.
In the pilot episode “Call a Clambulance,” we follow Oona’s fish friend Avi who falls off his tricycle and breaks a bone in his tail.