Yum Food & Fun for Kids: New Resource for Food Revolution

Magazines: I know many of you love them as much as I do.  There’s truly nothing like flipping through glossy pages and indulging in feature stories, cool products and advice columns.  In my case, I’m always looking for inspiration, whether it’s for writing, design or to just shop.


On one of my recent trips to Target I found a new magazine called Yum Food & Fun for Kids.  Always, in search of new ideas on how to improve my efforts in the kitchen and at the dinner table, especially where the kid is concerned, I think this new publication fills a void at the newstands.

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Taste of the Rainbow and a Jiggly Pot of Gold

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone!  On this day best known for leprechauns, luck of the Irish and green beer, celebrating with kids often includes a lot of creativity.

One of my favorite family magazines, Disney’s FamilyFun, features a great range of ideas for St. Patrick’s Day crafts and goodies, which are perfect for kids of all ages.  In particular, I eyed a couple of ideas that would be great for dessert on the luckiest day of the year!

If you know me, you must know I love cupcakes.  So of course, I have to share about the Taste a Rainbow Cupcakes, just one of the fun St. Patrick’s Day themed recipes that’s featured in FamilyFun.  The Taste a Rainbow Cupcakes make a colorful dessert idea.  All it takes is cake mix, some food coloring, a few bowls to separate the colors and a little patience to pour and layer each color into the cupcake pan, and voila, you have your Taste a Rainbow Cupcakes.

And if cupcakes aren’t your speed, there are many more St. Patrick’s Day-themed recipes to choose from, including St. Patrick’s Pot of Gold, which is lemon-flavored Jello served in limes, or rather, emerald pots.  Again, it just takes a little more effort cutting and preparing, but this pot of gold is a festive way to celebrate with the wee leprechauns!


If you guys do any St. Patrick’s Day recipes with the kids, please share them!  I love to hear all the green, gold and Irish ideas.  Also, be sure to check out FamilyFun for recipes and craft ideas that are fun all year long.