The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety released a report yesterday that revealed “half of children’s car booster seats can’t ensure a proper fit with all safety belts.”
In their report, the IIHS identified seats that were Best Bets, as well as pinpointed specific boosters that parents should avoid. Booster seats, which are for children who have outgrown forward-facing child restraints, should elevate a child and route the lap and shoulder belts while providing a secure fit.
Out of 62 tested boosters, 31 seats made the IIHS’ Best Bets and five make the cut for Good Bets.

NKT fave, Britax, was mentioned several times on the list, as well as Clek, Chicco and Graco, just to name a few. One brand that received great reviews, and I’m intrigued about, is Harmony. Anyone have this brand?
If you’re shopping for booster seats, be sure to check out IIHS’ report. See below for the 2011 Booster Evaluation Results.