Goodies and Gear: Opening Day

Citi FieldIt’s that time of year again; it’s Opening Day, a day that celebrates the Boys’ of Summer’s reemergence from the offseason and time to play ball again. If your family is anything like ours, reality and kiddie shows are happily swapped for 6 months of  America’s Pastime streaming on the tv—that is, when we’re not outside enjoying the outdoors ourselves.

With snow in our forecast, it may not be the most ideal weather for this time of year, but that’s not to say we can’t celebrate Spring and Opening Day with some of the latest and greatest in baseball fun for the kids.

This morning, while I was reading the news online, I was pretty disappointed to read about the decline in kids playing baseball over on WSJ.  To be quite honest, despite what the studies show, you’d never know there was a decline from the plethora of great toys and gear that are aimed to share the love of the game.

Here are just a few of my baseball picks in honor of Opening Day:

Melissa and Doug All Star Sports Fill and Spill

Baby can’t throw or catch quite yet, but Melissa and Doug’s All Star Sports Fill and Spill helps to familiarize tiny fingers with ball shapes.  Each of the four balls rattle, jingle or crinkle and are suitable for 6 months and up.

Grand Slam Baseball from Step 2

Spotted at Toy Fair last month, Step 2’s Grand Slam Baseball is an electronic auto-pitch machine that encourages hand-eye coordination, not to mention, promotes outdoor play. Geared to the smaller baseball fans, Grand Slam Baseball gets kids fielding balls and a chance to work on their swing.

EA Sweet Spot Baseball Bat

For the bigger kids, EA’s Sweet Spot Bat incorporates a little crowd cheer every time the batter hits or holds the ball in that sweet spot.  Ideal for beginners, it features a soft bat, and helps the rookies to refine their accuracy and hand-eye coordination.

SKLZ Sweet Spot Youth Training Bat

Beyond the tee-ball phase, SKLZ makes the top-rated Sweet Spot Youth Training Bat.  The training bat features an all-wood barrel and handle, as well as a fiberglass rod, and provides instant feedback and “stings” if hit too far off.
Looking for training tools for entry-level players? SKLZ Hit-A-Way Jr. is something that I’m going to check out for batting practice and hand-eye coordination for our not-quite Tee Ball-aged little guy.

Sports Illustrated Kids: All Access

And to better understand and appreciate America’s Pastime, Sports Illustrated Kids has a new book that delves into the inner sanctum of baseball.  Sports Illustrated Kids: All Access grants readers a behind-the-scenes look into cool findings, including favorite stadiums, the story behind the Green Monster and something that I want to know more about: Lousisville Slugger’s journey from big trees to the big leagues.

Go Mets!

And Speaking of behind the scenes look at baseball, did you miss our family’s adventure at Citi Field last season?  If you’ve been reading NKT for awhile now, you must already know that we’re Mets fans–in good times and in bad.

It’s always been my husband’s dream to sit in our beloved Mets’ Clubhouse, and thanks to a fun media invite, we had the chance to learn more about the Mets’ new stadium.  Be sure to see where our exclusive behind the scenes tour took us at our beloved (and sometimes beleaguered) Mets’ CitiField.

Citi Field Tour

Hooray for a new season!  And yes, even for us Mets fans, it’s a brand new ball game!

Retro, Fun Gift Idea: Hank & Jojo Baby Tube Socks

I’m convinced our house is where pairs of socks come to lose each other.  Nevertheless, I appreciate fun socks, most notably for the kid and as gifts for my friends’ kids.

And behold! I spotted these fun socks at the Brooklyn Baby Expo a few weeks ago.  Retro, sustainable and functional, these tube socks from Hank & Jojo are now on my must-have list.

Hank & Jojo tube socks recall the socks from our own childhood, but instead of the bold spectrum of super-tall knee-hi socks, Hank & Jojo’s soft socks for the wee ones are made from bamboo and feature subtle colors, free of AZO dyes.

Ideal for baby shower gifts, Hank & Jojo socks come in baby and kid sizes and are packaged in an adorable recyclable box that can later be used as a lunchbox.


Baby tube socks not your thing? Check out this adorable “Green is the New Black” organic onesie. Hank & Jojo tube socks can be found online and at sites like Uncommon Goods.

US News and World Report: “Can I Afford a Baby?”

Can I Afford a Baby?”  That’s a loaded question, right?

I know we asked ourselves this very question a few years ago, and maybe you’ve done the same.  A new article in US News and World Report asks this question and uncovers several important points to consider.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is $12,000 for the first year alone (for middle-income couples earning between $56,700 and $98,000).

So that’s where our money’s been going!

Even though I don’t focus just on baby products on NKT, as a mom and writer in the baby-rearing stage, when I decided to start NKT I considered my personal interests and the ongoing growth of this niche.  I knew baby and kid gear was a sector where the story well wouldn’t run dry any time soon.

In light of the economic disparity that was going on two years ago when I started, research showed that parents were and still are spending beaucoup bucks on our kids.

And despite the recent recession, the baby products industry continues to grow at a steady clip: Market research firm Mintel estimates it’s now a $9.8 billion industry.

Aptly titled, “Can I Afford a Baby” and filed in the finance section, this US News and World Report article outlines several important points that all new parents should consider such as, some of the itemized expenses one could expect in the first year, hidden costs (I wish someone would have told us about the cost of out of network hospitals and emergency procedures!), common mistakes and more.

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Interview with Seth McMahill: Pokemon Black Version and White Version

Pokemon Black Version and Pokemon White Version, both released earlier this month, have reported record sales as well as positive reviews. reported:

According to publisher Nintendo, both versions have sold over 1 million units since their March 6 launch. The record was previously held by “Pokemon Diamond” and “Pokemon Pearl,” which came out in 2007 with a combined sales total of 780,000 units in one day.

And the gaming blog Joystiq said the latest additions to the Pokemon lineup:

represent the very best that the franchise has to offer: An endearing cast of monsters and trainers, addictive collection mechanics, a 40-plus hour single-player campaign and a bevy of bolstered multiplayer functions.

And though I’ve yet to check them out firsthand, I did, however, have a chance to chat with Pokemon expert, Seth McMahill.  See what McMahill has to say about the latest Pokemon titles.

I’m back and some quick thoughts on DisneySMMoms

As with every trip or major event where I have limited internet access (or time for that matter,) I always plan to schedule posts in my absence. Eh, next time. A vacation wouldn’t have as much value if I was constantly plugged in…or at least I think so.

The conference part of our trip was incredible…as in, one of best conference experience I’ve had to date. Professionally, I’ve been to my fair share of conferences, but in the professional blogging realm, I’ve only attended BlogHer.  My DisneySMMoms experience surpassed my own expectations.

In any field, conferences are an invaluable resource to consume and share knowledge. In most cases, the backdrop is often an added extra, but in DisneySMMom’s case, the celebration part was an integral part to this specific conference experience. One day was devoted to keynote speakers while the other days were devoted to experiencing and learning about the institution that is Disney.

It’ll take me a few days to completely wrap up my thoughts about DisneySMMoms, but I thought I’d at least end my non-blogging week with a post or two. So, my most important takeaways from the event include the following from featured speakers or individuals involved in the success of celebrating the power of moms in social media.

  • Chris Brogan, President of Human Business Works and social media rockstar, reached out to the moms in attendance and urged us to raise everyone up, instead of bringing each other down. While he may have been directed that advice to mom bloggers, I personally think it’s safe to say that this piece of advice applies to all parents—myself included.  This is something I’ve become quite conscientious about and hope to work on judging others, something that seems to happen too much and too often.
  • Good Enough is Good Enough Rene Syler, former cohost of CBS’ The Early Show and author of Good Enough Mother, shared raw emotions about her life’s experiences, including her mastectomy and getting fired from her job.  Syler spoke candidly about her expansive broadcast journalism career and how at one time, she couldn’t imagine her life without it, but now, she couldn’t imagine her life with it.  Her keynote spoke volumes for me and her mantra, Good Enough is Good Enough hits so close to home—for so many of us.

What Did We Pack? #DisneySMMoms Edition

Traveling, like writing and shopping, is one of my many passions.  But unfortunately, we just don’t get to do enough of it, other than occasional trips to visit our extended family who are spread across the U.S.

Now, combine a social media conference with Disney?  We’re so there, I thought.  After all these weekends working on our house, and the stress that’s come with it, we needed a vacation!  So, when the Disney Social Media Moms conference registration rolled around this year, I crossed my fingers and hoped that our stars would align.

As luck would have it, I got in this year…and well, here we are.

But before any vacation, comes the packing and shopping!

I love getting ready for vacation:  the packing, planning, excitement, but most importantly, the shopping!  And vacationing in the winter/early spring brings with it a boatload of sales.

Shopping for this trip turned out to be a double mission (kinda like this post!) I’d shop for new Spring clothes for the kid and also grab bargains for next season in the next size. By sharing what we packed, I also get to share some new fave products and fun clothes that I found for super cheap!

Last Fall, I posted about H&M’s awesome sale.  When I went back then I scored some 4T shorts for $5 each.  Not just any shorts, but cool shorts for boys that don’t make him look goofy.  Is it me, or do the fit on most pants/shorts for boys make them look like Steve Urkel?  Anyway, I love H&M for their trendy styles and affordability. Love.

Get a pair of shorts (or a few outfits) for Spring and Summer for the kids.  From now until March 27th you can get 20% off of your kids purchase with this coupon.

The Children’s Place is my go-to for inexpensive staples for the kid.  Khaki shorts, funky graphic tees, classic collared shirts–you name it, TCP is always one of my first stops.

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Cooking Connections Offers Insight on Picky Eaters

The other week, I participated in a great dialogue on TheMotherhood’s Cooking Connections about “Expanding Your Family’s Palate by Placating Picky Eaters.”  The hosts and co-hosts were some of my favorite bloggers, many of whom blog about food and parenting and topics in between.

There were so many great takeaways from our discussion about picky eaters, and I was sure to add my two cents about the experiences I had growing up with an extremely picky sibling.  I loved hearing other parents’ suggestions about getting picky eaters to try new foods, as I’m sure it’s something many of you have experienced firsthand.

My favorite suggestions for placating picky eaters includes eating and introducing colorful foods and involving kids in the cooking process.  My friend Carol said it best: “involving kids in the kitchen gives them a sense of accomplishment…”

Some great insight from the other participants and hosts was the effectiveness they had with the “one-bite rule” to get their kids to try a food before simply refusing it.

“Our rule is you just need to take a full size bite, chew, swallow and then say, ‘Yes, please’ or ‘No, thank you,’” said host Jennifer Leal, Savor the Thyme.

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Sophie the Giraffe on Slate

Since we’re chatting reader feedback, I have to mention this one: last week, my dad sent me a link to a very interesting Slate article.

It was an article about a teether—not just any teether, but Sophie the Giraffe.

Sophie the Giraffe, a rubber teether of international fame, has been a favorite among new parents for quite some time.  And unlike the article insists, most new parents I know swear by Sophie because their friends swear by it.  I couldn’t tell you what celebrity baby had Sophie, but I can tell you which of my friends did.

We’ve all been there: when a kid’s teething you’ll do anything to soften the cries and lessen the pain.  That is, anything that’s safe and effective.  And for me, I hardly consider a teether a social status.

For many parents who opt to go the natural route, numbing medicine is replaced by teethers and homemade methods.  Likened to the feel of a bottle’s nipple, Sophie’s rubber resistance against a baby’s aching, teething gums has been called a lifesaver when nothing else worked.  And just like the article mentions, when concerns started to rise about the safety of products from China, parents turned to less questionable products, including the rubber giraffe from France named Sophie.

Sophie the Giraffe is made of 100% natural rubber and food paint, making it completely safe to chew for babies.  Her unique size and shape make it easy for tiny fingers to grasp as well.

Regardless of how she got her rise to fame, Sophie is a beloved teether in the parenting community.  Sure, she costs a little more than her plastic counterparts, but for many, her effectiveness and safety is worth the expense.

Check it

Be sure to check out this interesting article on Sophie the Giraffe on Slate.

Sophie the Giraffe from Viulli can be found at specialty stores and retailers like giggle.  I even spotted her on Bed Bath and Beyond‘s site and

Gift ideas for 3 Year Old Girl

Friend and NKT reader, Sarah, posted a really great question on the NKT FB page last week.  With her daughter turning three soon, she asked if I had any gift ideas.  On the heels of last month’s Toy Fair, I have stacks of ideas, actually.  As a mama to a three year old boy, I was excited to research some answers to Sarah’s question.

Three year olds are known for continuing to express their individuality and independence. They are honing their gross motor skills, and for most, attention spans are still quite limited. Role playing and group play is a growing trend at this stage, too.  And as much as I’d like to ignore the whole gender toy issue, like many of you, I’ve seen firsthand just how different play patterns are of boys and girls at this age.

Sarah said her three year old is into girly toys, pets, bubbles and jumping.  And since I haven’t had a chance to talk about many of the fun toys I saw at Toy Fair, this is a great topic to discuss since I saw so many great products that embrace these exact themes.


Princesses, long-loved favorites to toddlers, preschoolers and beyond, still have a strong presence on the toy front, especially with the success of last year’s Rapunzel.  Even though Disney has hinted at no more new princesses in the near future, toy makers still have a strong grip on this multi-million dollar license.

Squinkies, the tiny bubblegum machine-inspired trinkets that the kids love (and moms not so much), are now available in Disney Princess themes.

Word of caution: these toys are rated 4+ for safety purposes.

With the upcoming release of Tangled on DVD and Blu-Ray, there are quite a few cute dolls that focus on Rapunzel’s hair.

My favorite Tangled-inspired toy is the Toddler Tangled Rapunzel Doll from the Disney Store.  Only caveat with this adorable doll? She’s sold out on Disney Store’s site, but is probably available at select stores.  She’s cute and her hair looks manageable for the littler girls.

Tangled Sing and Glow Rapunzel doll, with her light up hair and singing voice is another cute doll that might be of interest to little girls.

Dolls and Doll Accessories

Doll and doll accessories are, no doubt, a big hit with toddlers and preschoolers because of the imaginative and creative play involved.  Quite a few toy makers have cool new doll accessories coming out, but Hasbro’s Baby Alive and Step 2’s Deluxe Nursery Station are two products that stood out for me at this year’s Toy Fair.

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First-Ever Brooklyn Baby Expo Set for This Weekend

For quite some time now, Brooklyn has been undergoing a baby boom of sorts.  And quite appropriately, on Sunday, March 13, Brooklyn will welcome its first-ever Baby Expo.

Hosted by Karen Connell, the brains behind A Baby Grows in Brooklyn, the Brooklyn Baby Expo will be held at Toren Condos from 11am to 4pm.  The Expo, expected to attract expectant moms, new parents and young families, boasts a day full of activities, exhibitors, demos, seminars and raffles.

The Expo transcends the usual fare of baby shows and boasts a line-up of helpful demos and speakers that most modern parents would appreciate.

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