On the way to school this morning, my older son looked up at the sunshine and determined that Spring is almost here. It’s true; with just a few weeks of winter to go, Spring is, indeed, right around the corner.
And so, since many of my fashion and beauty writer friends (Vera of Lady and the Blog and Jill of Glamamom come to mind) have been sharing the vibrant trends to come, I was inspired to share just some of the many cool baby finds that have been hibernating in my inbox and bookmarks.

I’ve done styleboards and Polyvore boards before, but I’m finding that this is a great way to encourage fresh content while merging social media and fun graphics. I have to note that this particular board was inspired by the Stokke Xpory Winter Kit (which is still very much a necessity for most areas) and that super chic chevron Patemm Pad (which is exclusive to Pottery Barn this Spring.)
So, by the numbers, here are just a few on-the-go baby essentials inspired by these brisk days leading up to a sunny Spring!
You know how Natalie Portman says in The Garden State that the Shins song will change your life? Well, that’s what I’m getting from the Clek Foonf. Except it’s a car seat. Yeah. So, from what I’ve read and seen, the Foonf is a game changer in the car seat realm. As it should, car seat safety is constantly evolving, and from the reviews I’m seeing, the Foonf is being described as revolutionary. And when it comes to kid safety, who doesn’t want the best?
The seat pictured is called Dragonfly, and it’s one of the many color options of the Foonf. I felt this one had a modern, minimalist feel with its white base and mossy colored seating. Expect to pay top dollar for this sleek car seat that boasts the highest safety standards and features REACT Technology.
Sippy cups from Thermos are typically as sleek in function as they are in aesthetic. Foogo was always one of my favorites with my older son, so I’m glad this mainstay in the stainless steel sector has designs beyond licensed characters. Besides the sustainability, I always found that Thermos sippys are just as durable.
I’ve been a longtime fan of Skip Hop because of their modern yet playful designs. I know the owl craze has been fading, but I love the colors and textures of this simple stroller toy.
Parents know, especially in the infancy stage, a great blanket and/or burp cloth are diaper bag staples. Based on conversations I’ve had on Twitter and simply by walking around the city, Aden+Anais Swaddles have reached a cult-like status among parents because of the versatility of these muslin swaddles. Before Beyonce introduced Blue Ivy to the world with an A+A swaddle in the backdrop, many of us were using these lightweight blankets to wipe up barf, use as a nursing cover, stroller shade and, yes, even as a swaddle. Just as glamorous as Bey, right?
As a devoted Stokke fan, naturally, I adore just about anything this Norwegian company conjures up. Truly. We invested in the Sleepi crib for our oldest and haven’t looked back since. The Xplory, however, sets the bar higher for strollers—quite literally. It boasts a higher seat, giving baby a better view of their new world and more opportunity to interact with their caregivers. The Xplory is noted for its comfort and maneuverability, which is particularly important for families who consider their strollers their main mode of transportation.
For those of us who are still wearing heavy coats and snowboots, the Stokke Winter Kit is, perhaps, an essential for your stroller arsenal. From the sheepskin edged rim to the warm muffs, the Winter Kit is both functional and stylish for baby and parent.
Reusable snack bags are just a few of my favorite items that make sense for families on the go. Whether they’re Annie’s Bunnies or baby puffs, reusable snack bags like these from Itzy Ritzy help diminish waste and add a little flair to the diaper bag.
If there was ever a diaper-changing essential, the Patemm Pad is it. A round changing pad that actually accommodates your growing child AND all of the accoutrements? Say no more. Patemm Pads not only have stylish prints, but they’re also mom-invented. This chevron print is exclusive to Pottery Barn Kids this Spring, so be sure to grab one while you can.
Beyond the color scheme on this board, style and function are the other overlapping themes. Timi & Leslie diaper bags are synonymous with style while remaining functional. Like many other moms on the go, I don’t have time to switch from diaper bag to work or evening bag. Seriously. One of the greatest compliments is when a non-mom friend compliments my diaper bags, thinking they’re “regular” bags.
The Sophia bag in Lemon Yellow and White, which is part of the Convertible Collection, is a roomy bag with a variety of pockets, yet maintains a sleek satchel silhouette on the exterior. I like that this bag looks like leather, but is a vegan-friendly material. And going back to functional, I’m absolutely loving the clutch that’s included. It’s all about the details!