Meet the Freaky Pets

If you think all plush toys are all cute and cuddly, then you’re partially right.  Combine cute and cranky, then you’ve got this new line of plush pets called Freaky Pets.

At first glance these imaginary creatures are sweet and innocent, then with a quick tuck, the Freaky Pets reveal their cranky alter ego.

Penga from Freaky Pets
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Toy Story 3 Features Hidden Easter Eggs

The highest grossing animated film of all time and one of our family’s favorite movies of the year (and maybe yours too?), Toy Story 3, was released on DVD and Blu-Ray earlier this week.  We, of course, were first in line to grab our copies.

Since picking up our copy of TS3, it’s no surprise that we’ve watched it no less than four times already.  Each time, I’ve found myself searching for even more quirky surprises that I missed before.  Pixar is well known for hiding easter eggs in their films, so I thought I’d repost the link to a great site that shares many of those hidden gems of Woody, Buzz and the gang.

Slash Film did a great job dissecting some of the most important scenes in the film that were chock full of interesting tidbits, many of which reference other Pixar films and characters, with quite a few nods to next year’s Cars 2.  One easter egg that I found interesting was the significance of the number of A113 found in several other Pixar flicks, just like TS3.

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It’s Election Day: Lead by Example

It’s Election Day, and the world around us is abuzz about how important it is to vote in the Midterm Elections.  Politics and elections can be a trivial time for some adults, nevermind explaining the significance of it all to smaller kids.  But, perhaps, the best way to teach kids about the importance of voting and being heard is by leading by example.

Judging by all the activity on Facebook and Foursquare, it sounds like many of you have already done your civic duty.  Hooray!

Looking for a learning resource to engage the kids in the election?  Scholastic has a variety of non-fiction books that overview the voting process.  Skimming over the content, I think Let’s Vote on It! by Janice Behrens is a great primer for preschoolers and younger grade schoolers to learn more about the voting process.


The book introduces terms that are relevant to elections and voting within the classroom.  It also touches up on the topic of how adults vote, which is timely for Election Day.

Regardless of when and how you do it, go vote and lead by example!

Check it

I love the way social networks have created a dialogue for civic participation.  There’s no ignoring this election if you’re on Twitter, Facebook or read any sort of website. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to show off that you voted on Facebook, grab your I Voted Badge on Foursquare (check in at your polling location and shout #Ivoted) or tweet #Ivoted.

Toys ‘R’ Us Great Big Christmas Book: There’s an App for That

Halloween’s over and you know what that means?  That’s right, the Holiday shopping season cranks up a notch.  While the shelves might have been touting dancing Santas and singing reindeers for a few weeks now, marketers and retailers have been working overtime for months in preparation for the upcoming Holiday season.

As mentioned before, many of us bloggers were attending holiday previews way back in May, so, be prepared to see an influx of holiday coverage on blogs this year, NKT included.

We can’t cover holiday shopping without highlighting the thrill of the hunt—for kids, that is!  While many of us plan to scour the malls, websites and shops for the best deals, in many cases, it all starts with that carefully-crafted Christmas list.  And guess what?

Of course, there’s an app for that.

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